Prospect Elementary Sign

Dear Prospect Families and Staff,

As promised, I am able to decide about the re-opening of Prospect Elementary School following the cleaning/remediation of the building.   

The cleaning/remediation of the building will continue.  The team from Metro Environmental has made good progress but unfortunately they will not conclude today .   Therefore, Prospect Elementary School will remain closed for in-person student attendance through the end of the day on Friday, September 3rd.   For staff, Thursday, and Friday (9/2 & 9/3), will be remote instructional days and staff will be directed by Ms. Pavone where and when they are to report to work.    

This morning, packets were delivered to students with the assistance of our Transportation Department.   The packets delivered are two (2) days of remote learning (Thursday & Friday).    On Thursday, 9/2, our transportation staff will be delivering computers to students at their home addresses.  There will be additional instructions provided on how to sign in on the devices.     Box lunches will continue to be available for Prospect students from 11 am-1 pm at Prospect Elementary School.   

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we address the environmental issues in portions of the building.   You can expect further updates as Metro concludes their work on cleaning/remediating the building.

Food Services: 

Today, September 1st – one lunch between 11 & 1 @ Prospect – look for the bus!

Tomorrow, September 2nd – two breakfasts and two lunches available between 11 & 1 @ Prospect – look for the bus!


Mr. Breidenstein