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Part of weight management, as well as disease management for heart disease and diabetes, requires an assessment of your overall diet, which can often be filled with calorie-dense foods that are high in their added sugar content. Consider some the following suggestions as you look to improve your overall diet and prevent future disease.
Try fruit for dessert instead of cakes, pies, cookies or ice cream
Instead of soda, try a sparkling water mixed half and half with your favorite100% fruit juice
Reduce the amount of obvious sugar sources in the diet, such as adding sugar to coffee or tea
Check out the “sugars” on cereals and look for those with less total sugar
To determine if a food product has added sugar, check the ingredient list for these words: brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, syrup and table sugar.
Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages. “Liquid sugar” is more rapidly absorbed into the blood stream, causing high glucose and insulin levels. In addition, liquid leaves the stomach more quickly than solid foods, causing many people to consume excess calories without the sensation of being full.
Being a star athlete takes more than good genetics and hours of practice. It’s also a result of fueling your body every day, the right way. Many great athletes are the result of natural talent and lots of practice, but some of the best athletes also recognize the importance of healthy eating and rest. Athletes discover, and you probably have too, that when your eating is “off”, or you’ve had too little time for exercise, you may feel tired, lose focus, and become a little grumpy too. Our moods, our ability to concentrate and our overall performance can often be linked to lack of sleep, too little exercise, and eating hit-or-miss meals throughout the day. If this sounds like you, or your child, get back on track right away and start feeling better today! To get started, begin your day with breakfast, then follow breakfast with something to eat in reasonable portions every 4 to 5 hours and aim to move every day for at least 30 to 60 minutes.
President Eisenhower initiated the President’s Council on Youth Fitness in 1956 to educate, motivate and encourage Americans to adopt active lifestyles. Today the program is called the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports with the same goals— to promote the benefits of fitness for everyone.
One part of the program is called The President’s Challenge. It can show you how to create a fitness plan that is easy to do. Because your hard work shouldn’t go unrecognized, you can earn the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award by performing regular activity beyond your daily activity goal of 30-minutes for adults and 60-minutes for kids at least five days a week.
Jump roping, hula-hooping and dancing to music are great indoor activities during the winter for a healthier lifestyle. Check out the website for ideas and family activities:
Disclaimer: You are now leaving the Salamanca City Central School District’s Web site. Once you have left the District’s Web site, any other Web sites or pages accessed are not under the control of the District and the District is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. Any Web links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of the site by the District.
Summer is about fun! Since summer is never long enough, who wants to loose any time coping with being sick as a result of food borne illness? Teaching kids the importance of safe food handling is especially important in the summer months. Bacteria prefer a warm environment for growth, so remember these basic food safety tips:
Wash your hands often with soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Don’t forget to get under those nails and in-between the fingers.
Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot. Leftover foods from a meal should not stay out of refrigeration for more than 1 hour in hot weather (80ºF or above). Your refrigerator should also be set below 40ºF. This will help keep perishable foods out of the “danger zone” where bacteria love to grow.
Keep raw foods and ready-to-eat foods separate. This means separating items such as raw meats from items that might already be cooked, as well as vegetables and fruits that will not be cooked. Making sure you use separate cutting boards or plates can help prevent cross-contamination.
It’s pretty safe to say that people know that oranges are loaded with Vitamin C. But did you know that they also contain many other nutrients, which help your body fight off diseases? There’s folate, potassium, and antioxidants. These nutrients may reduce bad cholesterol levels, fight age-related diseases and help protect your skin.
There are many, many different types of oranges. Popular varieties include the navel, red navel, valencia, hamlin, pineapple, temple, moro and ambersweet. The navel is the most popular orange to eat because it’s sweet, juicy and easy to peel.
With such a fun fruit, there are so many ways you can snack on them! You can peel and eat them, cut them into round slices, put them in a salsa, dip them in low-fat yogurt, or use a slice to spruce up your water or tea.
With all that healthy goodness wrapped so neatly under the peel, an orange makes a great snack for people in a hurry! Go grab an orange today!
Sugar is often referred to as either naturally-occurring or added. On food labels, both kinds of sugar are included in “sugars” listed on the Nutrition Facts panel. Naturally-occurring sugars are found in many foods. For example, dairy products, such as yogurt and milk, and fruit — both healthy choices — contain naturally-occurring sugars. Lactose is the sugar in milk and yogurt; fructose is the sugar in fruit. There are concerns that too much sugar is bad for your health, but foods that are naturally sweetened, such as fruits and milk products, aren’t the issue. Excessive intake of added sugars from foods is the concern because the consumption of too much added sugar has been linked to obesity and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). It is recommended that we consume no more than 10% of our calories from sugars. For your daily diet that translates to no more than 6 to 8 teaspoons of sugar per day. To put that in perspective, some sugar-flavored beverages alone can contain as much as 8 to 12 teaspoons of sugar. That 6 to 8 teaspoon daily limit translates to about 24 to 32 grams of sugar daily. Check out how many grams you eat by reading the Nutrition Facts panel.
Here are some quick, easy and nutritious snack ideas:
Safiya’s Super Salad Surprise (see recipe on right)
Vegetable pieces like broccoli, carrot sticks and cauliflower with
hummus dip or nonfat ranch dressing
Strawberries and blueberries with low fat yogurt—eat them as is or
add a little milk and blend together to make a smoothie
Chicken or tuna salad (prepared with light mayonnaise) and whole
grain crackers or pita bread
Apples and nectarine slices with low fat yogurt dip
Frozen blueberries or grapes (these are so refreshing!)
Mozzarella string cheese made from low-fat milk served with 100% fruit juice
Cucumber, tomato and bell pepper slices tossed in vinaigrette with
mixed nuts
Peanut butter and fruit jam or peanut butter and a mashed banana rolled in a wheat tortilla (if you have a nut allergy, you can try Sunbutter, which is made from sunflowers instead of peanuts)
Popcorn—limit the added butter and salt
Peach slices or mixed fruit with low fat cottage cheese
Half a sandwich like turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread
Part of weight management, as well as disease management for heart disease and diabetes, requires an assessment of your overall diet, which can often be filled with calorie-dense foods that are high in their added sugar content. Consider some the following suggestions as you look to improve your overall diet and prevent future disease.
Try fruit for dessert instead of cakes, pies, cookies or ice cream
Instead of soda, try a sparkling water mixed half and half with your favorite100% fruit juice
Reduce the amount of obvious sugar sources in the diet, such as adding sugar to coffee or tea
Check out the “sugars” on cereals and look for those with less total sugar
To determine if a food product has added sugar, check the ingredient list for these words: brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, syrup and table sugar.
Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages. “Liquid sugar” is more rapidly absorbed into the blood stream, causing high glucose and insulin levels. In addition, liquid leaves the stomach more quickly than solid foods, causing many people to consume excess calories without the sensation of being full.
Being a star athlete takes more than good genetics and hours of practice. It’s also a result of fueling your body every day, the right way. Many great athletes are the result of natural talent and lots of practice, but some of the best athletes also recognize the importance of healthy eating and rest. Athletes discover, and you probably have too, that when your eating is “off”, or you’ve had too little time for exercise, you may feel tired, lose focus, and become a little grumpy too. Our moods, our ability to concentrate and our overall performance can often be linked to lack of sleep, too little exercise, and eating hit-or-miss meals throughout the day. If this sounds like you, or your child, get back on track right away and start feeling better today! To get started, begin your day with breakfast, then follow breakfast with something to eat in reasonable portions every 4 to 5 hours and aim to move every day for at least 30 to 60 minutes.

President Eisenhower initiated the President’s Council on Youth Fitness in 1956 to educate, motivate and encourage Americans to adopt active lifestyles. Today the program is called the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports with the same goals— to promote the benefits of fitness for everyone.
One part of the program is called The President’s Challenge. It can show you how to create a fitness plan that is easy to do. Because your hard work shouldn’t go unrecognized, you can earn the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award by performing regular activity beyond your daily activity goal of 30-minutes for adults and 60-minutes for kids at least five days a week.
Jump roping, hula-hooping and dancing to music are great indoor activities during the winter for a healthier lifestyle. Check out the website for ideas and family activities: Disclaimer: You are now leaving the Salamanca City Central School District’s Web site. Once you have left the District’s Web site, any other Web sites or pages accessed are not under the control of the District and the District is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. Any Web links are provided to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of the site by the District.
Summer is about fun! Since summer is never long enough, who wants to loose any time coping with being sick as a result of food borne illness? Teaching kids the importance of safe food handling is especially important in the summer months. Bacteria prefer a warm environment for growth, so remember these basic food safety tips:
1. Wash your hands often with soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Don’t forget to get under those nails and in-between the fingers.
2. Keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot. Leftover foods from a meal should not stay out of refrigeration for more than 1 hour in hot weather (80ºF or above). Your refrigerator should also be set below 40ºF. This will help keep perishable foods out of the “danger zone” where bacteria love to grow.
3. Keep raw foods and ready-to-eat foods separate. This means separating items such as raw meats from items that might already be cooked, as well as vegetables and fruits that will not be cooked. Making sure you use separate cutting boards or plates can help prevent cross-contamination.
It’s pretty safe to say that people know that oranges are loaded with Vitamin C. But did you know that they also contain many other nutrients, which help your body fight off diseases? There’s folate, potassium, and antioxidants. These nutrients may reduce bad cholesterol levels, fight age-related diseases and help protect your skin.
There are many, many different types of oranges. Popular varieties include the navel, red navel, valencia, hamlin, pineapple, temple, moro and ambersweet. The navel is the most popular orange to eat because it’s sweet, juicy and easy to peel.
With such a fun fruit, there are so many ways you can snack on them! You can peel and eat them, cut them into round slices, put them in a salsa, dip them in low-fat yogurt, or use a slice to spruce up your water or tea.
With all that healthy goodness wrapped so neatly under the peel, an orange makes a great snack for people in a hurry! Go grab an orange today!
Sugar is often referred to as either naturally-occurring or added. On food labels, both kinds of sugar are included in “sugars” listed on the Nutrition Facts panel.
Naturally-occurring sugars are found in many foods. For example, dairy products, such as yogurt and milk, and fruit — both healthy choices — contain naturally-occurring sugars. Lactose is the sugar in milk and yogurt; fructose is the sugar in fruit. There are concerns that too much sugar is bad for your health, but foods that are naturally sweetened, such as fruits and milk products, aren’t the issue. Excessive intake of added sugars from foods is the concern because the consumption of too much added sugar has been linked to obesity and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). It is recommended that we consume no more than 10% of our calories from sugars. For your daily diet that translates to no more than 6 to 8 teaspoons of sugar per day. To put that in perspective, some sugar-flavored beverages alone can contain as much as 8 to 12 teaspoons of sugar. That 6 to 8 teaspoon daily limit translates to about 24 to 32 grams of sugar daily. Check out how many grams you eat by reading the Nutrition Facts panel.
Here are some quick, easy and nutritious snack ideas:
• Safiya’s Super Salad Surprise (see recipe on right)
• Vegetable pieces like broccoli, carrot sticks and cauliflower with
hummus dip or nonfat ranch dressing
• Strawberries and blueberries with low fat yogurt—eat them as is or
add a little milk and blend together to make a smoothie
• Chicken or tuna salad (prepared with light mayonnaise) and whole
grain crackers or pita bread
• Apples and nectarine slices with low fat yogurt dip
• Frozen blueberries or grapes (these are so refreshing!)
• Mozzarella string cheese made from low-fat milk served with 100% fruit juice
• Cucumber, tomato and bell pepper slices tossed in vinaigrette with
mixed nuts
• Peanut butter and fruit jam or peanut butter and a mashed banana rolled in a wheat tortilla (if you have a nut allergy, you can try Sunbutter, which is made from sunflowers instead of peanuts)
• Popcorn—limit the added butter and salt
• Peach slices or mixed fruit with low fat cottage cheese
• Half a sandwich like turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread
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