Salamanca Student-Athlete Code of Conduct
Athletics is highly competitive in nature. One goal of athletics is to develop the entire individual. The Salamanca athletic department is concerned with the physical, mental and emotional health of all athletes. The use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, have a long lasting negative effect on the health of individuals. The following consequences are set forth for infractions dealing with use, suspected use and/or possession of tobacco products, cannabis, alcohol and other chemicals that are classified as drugs.
These consequences have the full support of the Salamanca Board of Education and applies to all athletic activities. This policy attempts to outline the infractions and disciplinary measures that may be encountered.
1. Use of/or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, cannabis and tobacco products:
The following training rules are in effect for all student participants in the interscholastic program from the first practice or signing of this code, whichever comes first, until the last event and/or practice of the year:
No smoking, possession or use of smokeless tobacco products, cannabis products or “e-cigarette” products.
No use or possession of controlled and/or illegal drugs, except as prescribed by a licensed physician.
No consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages.
When a student has been given a suspension from the above, it will be recommended that the student/athlete attend optional counseling sessions.
Presence of alcohol or cannabis. If you are at an underage party where alcohol or cannabis is present, you must leave immediately.
1st Offense: Parent and/or police notification. If the offense occurs during a school-sponsored event and/or on a school bus, or on school premises, the student will be disciplined in accordance with the student Code of Conduct. The athlete will be suspended for 33% of the competitions in the current season and if less than 33% of the season remains, the remainder of the 33% will carry over to the next athletic season the athlete is participating in. The athlete will still be allowed to practice. A Parental Conference and/or Superintendent’s Hearing may be held in order to make final disciplinary determination.
· Counseling for 1st time offenders (annually):
The district will offer a counseling program that will provide support and assessment for the student-athlete. (CASA/Trinity- Teen Intervene).
The student and guardian will sign a contract confirming they will participate in and complete the program.
The suspension will be reduced from 33% to 10% of the season upon signing their commitment to the program.
The student-athlete will be back in full status with the team after the 10% suspension has ended, while continuing to successfully complete the remainder of the intervention program.
If determined by the Athletic Director that the program was not completed to the fullest expectation by the student-athlete, their suspension will return to 33%.
2nd Offense: If the offense occurs during a school-sponsored event and/or on a school bus, or on school premises, the student will be disciplined in accordance with the student Code of Conduct. The athlete will be suspended for 100% of the competitions in the current season and if less than 100% of the season remains, the remainder of the 100% will carry over to the next athletic season the athlete is participating in. The athlete will be allowed to practice. A Parental Conference and/or Superintendent’s Hearing may be held in order to make final disciplinary determination.
3rd Offense: If the offense occurs during a school-sponsored event and/or on a school bus, the student will be disciplined in accordance with the student Code of Conduct. The athlete is suspended for one (1) calendar year from the date of the third offense.
A Parental Conference and/or Superintendent’s Hearing may be held in order to make final disciplinary determination.
Informational Notes:
The number of offenses is calculated annually not seasonally.
It must be made clear that if there are overlapping seasons, the disciplinary action will carry over into the next sport/activity that the student competes or participates.
The student/athlete and parent have the right to appeal decisions to the building principal and then the Superintendent.
2. Student must be in attendance by 9 A.M. in order to participate in practice and/or game competition for that day. Student must also be in attendance at the close of the school day, unless medically excused. (Note from physician or clinic required) The athletic director or his designee must approve exceptions to this rule.
3. Student will ride school provided transportation to and from away contests. Only exception will be a written agreement between coach and parent/guardian. Student will only be permitted to ride with their parent/guardian. If the student violates the transportation agreement, i.e. does not get proper parental signature for permission for riding home, they will be subject to disciplinary actions by the athletic director and administration. This may include game suspensions and/or bus suspensions.
4. It must be made clear that if there are overlapping seasons, the disciplinary action will carry over into the next sport/activity that the student competes or participates.
5. If a coach has rules that have been clearly communicated to his/ her players that have consequences greater then those outlined above, the athletic director and administration will support them. Playing time is non-negotiable.
The administration realizes the degree of infraction will have an effect on the determination to be made. Incidents that occur in a student’s home under parental permission or supervision must be taken into consideration. Also how the incident is related to school authorities is an important factor. (Police reports, coach, advisor, teacher, administrator witnessing, etc.) In addition, the use of alcoholic beverages at religious services must be immune from this policy.
Our intent is to develop the whole individual during their school years. We realize that this policy is necessary to achieve the goals of the Salamanca School District.
I have read the information above and understand the responsibilities of my child while participating in the program and that there are risks of injury while participating in high school athletics.
It should also be the responsibility of the student to be accountable to himself/herself, the parents and the school in representing to the best of his/her ability the ethics of honesty and integrity in upholding these rules and regulations.
Determination of Excused and Unexcused Absences, Tardiness and Early departures:
Based upon our District’s education and community needs, values and priorities, the School District has determined that absences, tardiness and early departures will be considered excused or unexcused according to the following standards.
a) Excused: Pre-approved school sponsored activities, death in the immediate family, religious observance, quarantine, required court appearances, doctor or health clinic visits, pre-approved college visits, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, in-school suspension.
b) Out-of-School Suspension: Student’s suspended from school who accept and receive instruction will be considered “excused” for attendance purposes (alternative instruction as per state regulation will be one hour per day for grades K-6 and two hours per day for grades 7-12).
c) Unexcused: all other absences are considered to be unexcused.
d) Out-of-School Suspension: a student’s attendance will be considered “unexcused” when they are suspended from school and refuse to accept alternative instruction.
In School and Out of School Suspension:
In school suspension still allows the athlete to participate in practice and competition at the discretion of the coach. Out of school suspension deems the athlete ineligible for practice and any competitions or school related activity on the day of the contest or practice and the next day of scheduled practice or competition.
Note: If an athlete is, to be dismissed the coach, will notify and gain approval from the athletic director prior to speaking to the athlete or parent. The coach needs to individually speak to the athlete and will notify the parents of the suspension. The Athletic Director will communicate to the parents of the appeal process of the suspension through a letter.