Foundation Aid Investment Plan

Posted for public comment on SCCSD Website – June 21, 2023
Public survey open from June 21, 2023 through June 30, 2023
Salamanca City Central School District will receive $3,280,628 million in Foundation Aid for the 2023-2024 school year. This represents a 19.2% annual increase, which exceeds the 10% threshold for a required district utilization plan outlining how the district will utilize the additional funds related to the following priority areas:
Increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap
The metric is to increase the budget to allow for laptop replacement devices so all students always have access to one to complete various class and home assignments. and to access various online platforms. Increase the budget to purchase PLC Associate consultant services to assist with attendance strategies and student learning outcomes. The metric is to increase the budget to provide career pathways for high school students, National Finance Academy (NAF).
Reducing class sizes
All classes are at a reduced number to maximize student instruction.
Providing supports for students who are not meeting, or at risk of not meeting state learning standards in core academic subject areas
Funding will support in-school as well as summer and after school learning opportunities for all students from K-12 who are experiencing difficulty in meeting state learning standards in core academic subject areas. During the school year, instructional coaches, classroom teachers, support staff and interventionists/reading teachers will provide support in strengthening best practices for learning for students who are experiencing difficulty in moving toward mastery of state standards.
The metric is to increase budget for 10 teacher assistants, an ELA instructional coach, and a tutoring service for students and families before and after school hours in all subject areas. (Paper Tutoring). Books will be provided to all students in K-7 for summer reading. Data works will also be implemented to address student deficits. A teacher assistant will be added to each Kindergarten and First Grade classroom in order to increase the ratio of adults to children to 2:18 resulting in smaller, more individualized instruction.
Addressing students social-emotional health
Provide supports for staff and students during times of need that can't be met in the classroom and add on safety layers/people to each school building. The metric is to increase the budget for 1 FTE health teacher, 1FTE Psychologist, 1 FTE Social Worker, 1 Clinical Social Worker supervision, and armed security patrol. Utilize a consultant service, Evaluative Beings to administer staff and student wellness surveys and compile and analyze the data to address priorities. Provide training to staff to assist with students’ behavior, social and emotional needs (Restorative Practices training, Safe and Civil Schools training.
Providing adequate resources to English Language Learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness
Provide additional services to our students with disabilities, ELL, and homelessness, through additional staffing and virtual instruction platforms. The metric is to increase the budget for 1 FTE special education teacher, E1B Virtual instruction and A+ virtual platform.