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PowerSchool provides online access to available information about your student’s attendance, schedules, assignments, grades, and teacher and school communication. If you do not have a computer or internet access at home, you may access PowerSchool at school or the public library.

Part 1 - Creating Your Parent Portal Access (If you already set up your Parent Portal Access, skip to Part 3 to complete the Annual Student Update)
Instructions for Creating Your Parent/Guardian PowerSchool Account Direct link for Creating Your Parent/Guardian PowerSchool Account -
Part 2 - Connect Student(s) to your Parent Portal Account
Your student(s) credentials were mailed home toward the beginning of the school year. If you have misplaced them or they did not arrive, request you student(s) access code and password by contacting 716-945-2400 ext. 5552 or click the Connect a Student to Your Parent Portal Request Form
Part 3 - Complete Annual Student Registration (COMING SOON)
DO NOT DELAY! Please complete an Annual Student Registration form for EACH of your students by August 2, 2022. Instructions for Completing the Annual Student Registration (coming soon).