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The Salamanca Warrior Athletic Department will be utilizing Arbiter Sports for its athletic scheduling. Arbiter allows you to follow teams and receive notifications via text or email when games get cancelled, change time or location or new games are added.
You will find all Salamanca Warrior Athletic schedules on the Arbiter Live site, including Modified (7-8), Junior Varsity and Varsity. If you wish to follow a team and receive email/text notification of the postponement/cancellation of games, please follow the instructions below.
Click on the Sports Schedules link
Select the team you wish to follow and click to go to their schedule page
On the right-hand side of the page, select “Follow Team.”
Create your FREE account - complete the registration process: Instructions to create account
You will now be taken through an alert sign-up process, if you wish to have text alerts - you will need to enter your cell phone number and carrier.
Please do not sign up for alerts regarding practices. The Salamanca Athletic Department does not use Arbiter to schedule practices, only games. Any communication regarding the cancellation of practices will come from the head coach and announcements at school.
Click on the link on the left menu to take you to the scheduling page.
Create and Follow your Team Instructions
Directions to create your free account and follow your teams throughout the school year.
You can get text messages or email notifications of any game change, location change or cancellation.