How to contact us!
School Email - View a listing of all staff and their contact here
District Facebook Page - Send us a message, we'll get right back to you.
Fill out the form to the right, it will get sent off to the appropriate person and someone will get back to you.
Email Communications@salamancany.org and one of your communications team members will assist you.
District Directory
Lists each department / building and who to contact if you need assistance
Contact Us!
How do I contact my child's teacher - The staff directory has a listing of all staff and their contact information.
When you can't get in contact with your child's teacher - please contact their school counselor. All counselor information is located on the Guidance and Counseling page
If your issue has not been resolved - please reach out to the child's building principal.
Mrs. Kimberly Oakes - Prospect Elementary or Mrs. Lynn Magiera - Ass't Principal
Mrs. Erin Barie - Seneca Intermediate or Mrs. Lynn Magiera - Ass't Principal
Mr. Christopher Siebert - High School Principal or Lloyd Long - Ass't Principal.
Community Request Center

How we Communicate