Meeting Minutes:

All meeting Minutes are located online BoardDocs

Meeting Dates:

August 14, 2024 (CANCELED)

September 11, 2024

October 9, 2024

December 11, 2024

January 8, 2025

February 12, 2025

March12, 2025

April 9, 2025

To be held at in the High School LGI.

Meeting Dates:
Meetings will be held at 4:00 p.m. in the high school Large Group Instruction Room

Indian Policy and Procedure Forums will be
November 7, 2024 and
December 5, 2024
to be held at 6:00p.m. in the high school LGI.

Indigenous (Indian) Education Committee (IEC)

The formation of the Indigenous Education Committee serves as a vehicle to facilitate compliance with Federal Policies and Regulations (Section 7004 of the Every Student Succeeds Act {ESSA}) and the New York State Tuition Contract to educate indigenous children residing on the Allegany Territory of the Seneca Nation who attend the Salamanca City Central School District.

 The IEC also serves to facilitate effective, timely and relevant collaboration for the parents of indigenous children, indigenous students, the Seneca Nation and the Salamanca City Central School District.  

 Specifically, the District must establish, share and review an Indigenous (Indian) Policy and Procedure plan annually and must meet the following requirements:

  1. Give the tribal officials and parents of Indigenous children an opportunity to comment on whether Indigenous children participate on an equal basis with non- Indigenous children in the educational program and activities provided by the District;

  2. Assess the extent to which Indigenous children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children served by the District;

  3. Modify, if necessary, its educational program to ensure that Indigenous children participate on an equal basis with non- Indigenous children served by the District;

  4. Disseminate relevant applications, evaluations, program plans, and information related to the educational programs of the District in sufficient time to allow the tribes and parents of Indigenous children an opportunity to review the materials and make recommendations on the needs of the Indigenous children and how the District may help those children realize the benefits of the Districtโ€™s education programs and activities;

  5. Gather information concerning the Indigenous community views education issues, including the frequency, location and time of meetings;

  6. Notify the Indigenous parents and tribes of the locations and times of meetings;

  7. Consult and involve tribal officials and parents of Indigenous children in the planning and development of the Districtโ€™s educational programs and activities; and

  8. Modify the IPPs, if necessary, based upon an assessment by the tribes and parents of the effectiveness of their input regarding the development and implementation of the IPPs.