Shared decision-making (SDM) enables all members of the Salamanca community to become stakeholders in the process of encouraging meaningful learning and positive educational change. The district officially defines shared decision-making as a process in which all members collaborate in identifying problems, defining goals, formulating policy and implementing programs by consensus.
In 1993, a district-wide SDM plan was developed and adopted by groups of stakeholders in compliance with Part 100.11 of Commissioner’s regulations. Continuously since then, SDM has empowered the Salamanca School to create and recreate a stimulating community environment for learning.
The District Leadership Team (DLT) meets on a regular basis to support the District’s plan and goals. Each of our four buildings has a Shared-Decision-Making Committee referred to as the Building Leadership Team (BLT). This is an opportunity to bring parents, administration, and staff together to discuss building level issues and collaboratively work to improve student achievement. If you would like to be a member of your child’s Building Level Team or the DLT, please contact your child’s school principal, or the Superintendent at 945-2400.