Salamanca City Central Schools has always supported our students and their guardians sharing information with us related to possible bullying or harassment or unsafe behavior. Our staff of counselors, social workers, teachers and administrators are ready to help mediate and solve potential peer problems. Now we also have access to a safe and effective tool for students and their classmates to report abuse and improve safety by sending their anonymous tips directly to the Superintendent of Schools
This anonymous reporting resource is called Gaggle Speak up for Safety and provides a valuable service for informing the administration of harassing, abusive and/or unsafe behavior. However, AnonymousTips should NOT be used as a means to communicate emergency or time sensitive information to law enforcement and/or emergency personnel.
Anonumous Tips may be used to report:
+ Bullying
+ Planned fights
+ Students in crisis
+ Threats of violence
+ Weapons brought to school
+ Other urgent situations
NOTE: Remember, this report is completely anonymous and cannot be traced unless you provide information to the selected Educational institution to contact you back. It will be helpful in resolving the matter if the tipster is specific with dates, times and details of the incident.
We hope this tool provides our school community with one more way to communicate with us in an effort to provide a safe, healthy and engaging learning environment.
Dr. Mark D. Beehler
Superntendent of Schools