Instructions for Applying for Facility Useage at:
Salamanca City Central School District - Veterans Memorial Park
Complete the Request For Use of School Facilities Application
Complete the Residency Requirement Section on pages 4-5 of Application
If your organization is not-for-profit, please complete the Not-For-Profit Status Request Form and return it with a copy of your 501(c) (3) form.
When returning forms, A certificate of insurance must be provided accordinatly upon approval of the Board of Education of this Permit or commencement of activity, whichever occurs first. General Libability Insurance shall be provided by Permit Holder for not less than: Commerical General Liability $1,000,000 each occurence, General Aggregate, $2,000,000 with proof of coverage for sexual misconduct. The following shall be noted under Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles: The District shall be named as an additional insured and coverage shall be primary and non-contributory coverage for the District, its Board and its employees with endorsement CG2026 or equivalent. The Certificate of Insurance must describe the specific activity and date(s) that is covered by the liability policy. The Permit Holder further agrees to indemnify the District for any applicable deductibles and self-insured retentions. Failure to obtain such insurance on behalf of the District will result in the cancellation of this Permit.
Please submit all materials at the time of facility use request and at minimum of seventy-two hours (72) prior to requested date.
MAIL FORMS: All infomation must be submitted electronically on the District portal page https://ny38.mlschedules.com/
Any incomplete applications will not be considered and will be discarded.
If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact:
Rich Pincoski - 716-945-2400 ext. 4093 or email: RPincoski@salamancany.org
Chad Bartoszek - 716-945-2400 ext. 6092 or email: CBartoszek@salamancany.org
Liability - It is understood and agreed that the applicant assumes responsibility for the preservation of order in said buildings, facilities and amenities and liability for any damage or loss of sch ool property and for the District observance of all regulations of the Board of Education with reference to the buildings and grounds. The District requires that all users of the gymnasiums, pool, or athletic fields must have a copy of documentation of liability insurance with a minimum amount of $1,000,000 on file in the District Office prior to any use of facilities, naming the Salamanca City Central School District as an additional insured party.
Any personal injury, damage to the facility or its equipment, or unusual occurrence happening in connection with the organization's use of school facilities must be reported to school authorities immediately or at the start of the next school day . Groups are responsible for payment of damages incurred by their participation and are required to obtain property damage insurance naming the Salamanca City Central School District as an insured. A minimum level of $10,000 is required.
Supervision - No organization or group shall be granted the use of any school building facilities unless the organization satisfies the Superintendent of Sc hools or his/her designee that there wil I be a responsible person in charge and that there will be adequate supervi si on provided. Assigned supervisor(s) must be responsible adults, 21 years of age or older, and must be in attendance throughout the entire scheduled time and shall be required to:
Start and end the activity
Report to the District Contact (custodian) before and after the activity
Keep unauthorized per sons out of the assigned area
Confine the activity to the assigned area
Enforce good conduct and sportsmanship
Prevent misuse and/or damage to school facilities
Enforce District rules and procedures as they are listed on the back of the application form, i.e., no smoking, etc.
Return assigned equipment in good condition to its proper place
Leave all facilities clean, neat and orderly and in good condit ion upon conclusion of the approved activity .
If locker rooms are used, they must be supervised
Any damage to sc hool property shall be reimbursed by the organization using the same.
If it is determined that a group using school facilities does not have adequate supervision, then the District will assign supervisory personnel at the District's contractual rate per hour for supervisory personnel.
If athletic field (turf field s) are used, proper footwear must be worn- responsibility for order and safety must be assured by the applicant.
If the group does not wish to pay or pay be required deadline, facility usage will be revoked
Designated Parking - In order to maintain lawns, edges of roads, safety, etc., all visitors and users of school facilities will be directed not to park along the District's roadways or on grassy areas adjoining parking lots. Designated parking locations for outdoor facilities:
Parking is limited and guests, users and organizations must abide by all parking restrictions. The access roads and fire lanes road must be kept open for emergency vehicles.
Coaches or managers who are dropping off heavy equipment, etc. should do so and then proceed to park in the designated areas.
Coaches and Managers who are holding permits to use District fields are responsible for directing cars associated with their teams to the proper designated parking areas. The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee may revoke permits if parking/safety procedures as outlined above are not adhered to.
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