2020-2025 Strategic Plan Brochure
Dear Warrior Nation,
Click HERE to find our recently completed and Board Approved brochure with the details and facts outlining the Salamanca City Central School District Five-Year Strategic Plan (2020-2025). Our strategic direction is the culmination of nearly a year long review of our District priorities and goals.
For months, before the pandemic and throughout the pandemic, our important work continued. Faculty, staff, administrators, board of education members, students, parents, and the Seneca Nation collaborated to complete this project. We are excited to share this document with you and even more excited to begin the work in year two of our plan.
Mark D. Beehler
Strategic Plan Feedback
Salamanca City Central School District is building a strategic plan to ensure the continued success of its students, staff, and administrators. In doing so, the district is seeking feedback from the community through online and paper surveys.
Parents, guardians, and residents of the district are asked share their opinions by clicking on the link to the left Take the Survey
Paper surveys are available at school main offices, and throughout the community at: Salamanca Senior Center, Salamanca City Library, Salamanca Youth Center, Seneca Nation Library, Seneca Arts and Learning Center, Allegany Community Center, and the Seneca Nation administration building.
Opportunities to take the survey will also available at school events.
Community members taking the online survey who have no relationship to a student at Salamanca Schools are asked to use the “Salamanca High School” link to get started.
The last day to complete the survey is January 29.
Through this project, SCCSD plans to revise and refine the district’s mission, vision, and values, and to define the “Portrait of a Graduate” of Salamanca Schools. The design of the strategic plan is expected to be completed by the end of the 2019-20 school year and guide the district through 2025.
Under the leadership of the board of education, administrators, and staff, SCCSD has achieved success in staff retention, increases in staff compensation, and has made a substantial investment in professional development. As a result, the district has more than doubled its minority graduation rate, increased overall graduate rates by 20%, and has seen a massive increase in students reaching Mastery Learning benchmarks.
To build on this success, SCCSD is partnering with Education Elements for assistance in its strategic planning effort. Education Elements is a recognized leader in K-12 education and has a proven track record of advising schools and educational leaders throughout the United States.