Mental Health Word Cloud

Suicide Prevention: GBLTQ specific


Respect :

Sources of Strength:[] Password is: sources 

Stress reduction: How Legendary NBA Coach Phil Jackson Taught His Teams (mindfulness)

Mental Health:

Where to Go for Help:
Where you go for help will depend on who has the problem (an adult or child) and the nature of the problem and/or symptoms.
Often, the best place to start is your local mental health organization. |

You can get referrals from your family doctor, clergy, the Mental Health Association of Cattaraugus County, and Crisis centers. As you set out to get some help, consider asking for a few names. This way, you have more than one option, and can interview more than one person before choosing who is right for you.

  1. Your insurance company can provide a list of providers who are in your plan.

  2. Eligible veterans can get care through the U.S.Department of Veterans Affairs. For more information, go to or call 1-877-222-8387.

  3. You can find affordable mental health services through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Visit or call 1-877-726-4727.

  4. Cattaraugus County Community Services provides free or low-cost treatment and services on a sliding scale. These services are state funded and are obligated to first serve individuals who meet โ€œpriority population criteriaโ€ as defined by the state Mental Health Department.

  5. Your companyโ€™s employee assistance program (EAP) can issue a referral to a provider. Reach out to your Human Resources office to get more information about your companyโ€™s EAP.

Mental Health Association : Phone: 372 0208 S.T.R.A.W.W. Website

The Southern Tier Recovery Without Walls program has launched its website. Please check out the link below and take a look at what this great program has to offer. Visit today!

Trauma Support Group: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 7-8pm at Jamestown Community College Depot Room 231

Parent Support: 3rd Mondays from 6-7:30pm

Common Sense Parenting: Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30pm

Wellness Center Project of the Week: Stay Tuned!

Drumming Circle: 1st Thursday of the Month

Writers Group: 3rd Thursday of the Month

Summer Camp; New Horizons, Family Support services, No One Way Support group for teens
-The Mental Health Association is always here for you! Call us at (716)372-0208

If you are having trouble weathering the winter months, here are other helpful phone numbers:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

Body, Fitness, nutrition, Illness and disability, drugs, alcohol & smoking, your feelings, relationships, bullying, safety, your future, environmental health.

Top Tips

  • Don't sweat it! If warmer days mean you're perspiring more, youโ€™re not alone. Learn how sweat works and healthy ways to look and feel your best.

  • A dose of safety. Read some smart tips on how to avoid common problems when taking medication.

  • Celebrate the man in your life. We mean Dad, of course! Need a great Father's Day idea? Try spending time getting fit together.

  • A head start. Have graduations got you thinking about your future? Explore talents and interests that can guide your path.

News to Use

Cattaraugus County Community Action 945 1041

24-HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: 1-888-945-3970

Domestic Violence Program: counseling, advocacy, court accompaniment, and other support services to victims. Support group counseling.
Childrenโ€™s Program: Educational groups teaching non-violent alternatives to children from violent homes.
Rape Crisis Program: counseling, advocacy, court accompaniment, prevention education, partnerships with medical providers, support groups for adults and children. **Serving Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties.
Crime Victim Program:And: housing needs, parenting education, food stamps and more

Misc Readings:

Low-Income Schools See Big Benefits in Teaching Mindfulness

Grief Resources: