Q: Who is protected under the Dignity for All Students Act?|
A: The Act provides protection for all public elementary and secondary school students. The Act prohibits the harassment of students by school personnel and students; it also prohibits discrimination against students for any reason.
Q: Does the Act address bullying, cyberbullying, and hazing?
A: Bullying, cyberbullying, and hazing are all considered harassment and/or discrimination and are prohibited by the Act. School personnel must be trained in recognizing and preventing these behaviors.
Q: What physical spaces are covered under the Act?
A: The Dignity for All Students Act covers conduct on school property, including athletic fields, school buses, playgrounds, parking lots, in school buildings and classrooms, and at school-sponsored events and activities, such as dances and athletic competitions. The New
York State Legislature passed an amendment to the Dignity for All Students Act to specifically address cyberbullying not only within schools but also incidents that occur off school property that could disrupt the school environment. This amendment took effect July 1, 2013.
Q: How does the Dignity for All Students Act relate to a school’s Code of Conduct?
A: The Code of Conduct must be amended, by law, to reflect the prohibition of discrimination and harassment of students by students or school personnel.
Q: Does the Act require any training?
A: Yes, the Dignity for All Students Act requires schools to provide training to all employees to increase awareness of and sensitivity to discrimination and harassment in schools and to achieve civility in the schools among all people, staff and students alike.
Q: How do I report an issue?
A: If you need to report an alleged bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment incident please complete the reporting form for the specific building by clicking below. You will be redirected to an online form that will be automatically emailed to the supervisor noted for the building.