The Course Catalog and Course Request Forms will be available to all students. Counselors will conduct scheduling orientation sessions to discuss the course catalog, review diploma requirements, and assist in making preliminary course selections for the next school year.
All students will meet individually with their school counselor to review their 4-year plan, future career plans, high school transcript and current academic progress. The student will select courses for the upcoming school year. A list of each student's course requests will be sent home. Parents are encouraged to make appointments with their child’s school counselor to discuss their child's scheduling and four-year plan.
The Master Schedule for the following year will be developed, based on course requests made by the students. It is extremely important that all students turn in course request forms that are as accurate as possible at this time. Courses that have too few student requests will be deleted from the following year's master schedule at this time.
Students will be asked to make alternate choices where there are unresolvable course conflicts, or situations in which a course will not be offered due to insufficient enrollment.
Any requests for a course change should be made during final examination week or the first week of summer vacation. Requests for schedule changes later in the summer will be considered but may not be able to be made for reasons of class size, etc.
Contact the Student Support Center to request a course change. Counselors will be available on a limited basis during the summer. Please note, schedule changes at this time are subject to approval by the Principal. Students will receive their schedule via mail and/or parent portal in late summer.