What is B.E.E.P. ?
B.E.E.P. is the Business Education Employability Portfolio course that highlights the student's exemplary work and extracurricular activities during high school. Students will develop a multimedia tool in this course which will showcase their preparation for the workforce and post-secondary education. This portfolio allows students to highlight their interests and achievements in school. Student portfolios are kept online for two years after students are enrolled in the course so propective employers may view the portfolios and student may update.
Note; College Success Skills Class ECC GS111 (3 SUNY credits) - Students enrolled in BEEP class may want to take advantage of getting college credit for this class. Students who take BEEP class may receive 3 college credits for College Success Skills through Erie Community College. The curriculum for the College Success class is the same as for BEEP class with additional chaper work for the College Success Skills textbook. The cost of the College Skills class is appropximately $240.00 for 3 college credits.

BEEP 2017

Students in the BEEP (Business Education Employability Portfolio) class were interviewed by community members. These interviews were the culmination of a half year course. In this course, students highlight their academic and extracurricular activities for their high school years. Students also complete an in depth career research of two different careers as well as preparing employment documentation such as a job application, resume, and letter of application.
Special thanks go to Bill Smith & Sam England, Seneca-Allegany Casino—Human Resources; Halley Kottwitz, Southern Tier West Regional Planning & Development Board, Economic Development Associate; Steven Carney, National Guard Training Concepts, Educational Liaison; Katie DiDonato, Holiday Valley—Inn General Manager; Richard Sandler, General Manager of the Tamarack Club Holiday Valley; and Richard Zurat Salamanca Housing Authority Director.
During the interviews, students were asked questions which the student has to be able to relate to the soft skills competencies which they have shown in their portfolios to have obtained at a competent or accomplished level. The eight “soft skill” competencies are: Communication/Basic Skills, Problem Solving/Thinking Skills, Leadership, Career/Personal Development, Learning/Resource Management, Working Well with Others, Gathering/Managing Information, and Integrated Learning.
Congratulations to
Meagan Martin and Savannah Wujastyk who were BEEP Award Recipients each were awarded $150.00 scholarship