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Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Department
A law enforcement agency serving all of Cattaraugus County.
Salamanca City Police Department
Community Map for Finding Registered Sex Offenders
Family Watchdog has been in production since August 25, 2005. This website allows you to see where registered sexual offenders live and work around you.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Federal & State Cyberstalking-Related Laws
This list consists of current and pending (in green) cyberstalking-related United States federal and state laws, as well as those states that do not have laws yet and related laws from other countries
Megan's Law
Megan's Law was enacted on May 17th, 1996 and mandates that a county be notified of child offenders residing there and residents have access to that information. For more information on the Megan Nicole Kanka foundation, click the link below.
National Sex Offender Registry
The Division of Criminal Justice Services is a multi-function criminal justice support agency with a variety of responsibilities, including collection and analysis of statewide crime data; operation of the DNA databank and criminal fingerprint files; administration of federal and state criminal justice funds; support of criminal justice-related agencies across the state; and administration of the state’s Sex Offender Registry that allows anyone to research the status of an offender.
National Alert Registry
N.Y.S. Dept. of Criminal Justice Services