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To find out information on the State Universities of New York, go to their websites and browse.
For all other college and universities, simply google the school's name and the site will come up.
The SUNY Application
ApplySUNY is an application portal that allows you to complete an application for admission, any required supplemental applications and your academic record all in one place. What's more, these documents are accepted by virtually all SUNY campuses. Submit your documents once, and they will be transmitted to as many SUNY campuses as you designate. It's fast, easy and green!
The Bad News .. While it allows you to apply to numerous SUNY campuses with only one application, There is a non-refundable application fee of $50 per campus selection.
The Common Application
The Common Application is a not-for-profit organization that makes applying to colleges more convenient for both students and participating colleges.Students are able to complete this single application (online or in print) and use it for any participating school.The same is true for their school report, mid-year report, and teacher recommendation forms.Some institutions also require their own supplemental forms. There is a separate application for transfer students vs. first-year.
The Bad News: while it allows you to apply to numerous colleges on one application, you are still responsible to pay the fee from each individual college you apply to.