School Cell: 716-801-1704

Regular attendance is very important in order for your child to achieve his/her best in school. Tardy students must check in at the office before reporting into their homerooms. A child is considered tardy after:
8:35 a.m. at Prospect Elementary
7:45 a.m. at Seneca Intermediate
7:45 a.m. at Salamanca High School
Parents are reminded that if their child will be absent, they should call the school between 7:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. on the day of the absence.
Prospect School 716-945-5170, Ext. 7228
Seneca Intermediate School 716-945-5140, Ext. 5464
High School 716-945-2404, Ext. 6301
Even if a parent calls, the student is still required to bring a signed note from a parent on the student’s first day back, stating the reason for the absence.
Comprehensive Attendance Policy
All school districts in New York State have been required to develop new comprehensive attendance policies based on the SAVE legislation that was enacted by the Legislature. The District formed a committee comprised of parents, students, Board member, teachers and administrators and worked several months reviewing and developing a new policy that was adopted by the Board of Education on June 26, 2002, and revised in 2012.
How to Support your Child with Good Attendance Habits
In order to support your child to develop good attendance habits, families are encouraged to help them practice the following routines:
Finishing homework and placing it in their backpack
Laying out clothes and the backpack in the evening
Having a regular bedtime for a good night’s sleep
Leaving early enough in the morning to get to school on time.
Turn off electronic devices one hour before bedtime.
Let your child stay home only if they are truly sick. Sometimes complaints of a headache or stomach ache might be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home.
Make every effort to schedule doctor, dentist, and other appointments after school hours.
If your child must be out of school for an appointment, get them back to school for at least part of the school day.
Plan vacations when school is not in session.
Contact the school every time your child will be absent.
Check your child’s attendance regularly on ParentVue or with school staff.
Use PowerSchool to keep your contact information up-to-date with the school (phone numbers, address, parent work location, email address, etc.).
When absent, work with the teacher to make sure they have an opportunity to learn and make up for the academics missed.
Attendance Officer: