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If your child has a fever of 100.0 F they should remain home until fever free for 24 hours without medication.
If your child has a moderate cough and runny nose that is disturbing to the child and his classmates, please keep your child home.
Consult your doctor if your child has a sore throat accompanied by a fever. If strep is diagnosed your child shall remain out of school for 72 hours after starting antibiotics.
Covid protocol: If you test positive stay home for 5 days then you may return wearing a mask for 5 more days.
1. Remind your child that washing hands and the use of hand sanitizer are crucial to stopping the spread of germs.
2. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
4. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work, and school.
5. Practice healthy habits: Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food.
Stay Healthy,
Julie Creed, RN – Seneca Intermediate Nurse, Nurse Manager
Laurie Herrick, RN – Prospect Nurse
Kimberly McClarney, RN – High School Nurse
Michelle Steinbar, RN – District Nurse

Please read the important letter from our Nurse Manager Julianne Creed, RN
Warrior Parents/Guardians,
This cold and flu season has been particularly harsh and we have had numerous student and staff illnesses. Here are some basic guidelines for sending your child/children to school and when to keep them home.
A fever is a temperature of 100.4º or greater. If your child has a fever please, keep them home as they are considered to be in the contagious stage of illness when they have a fever. In the event they are sent home from school with a fever plan on making alternative child care arrangements for the following day. A student needs to be kept home until they are fever free for 24 hours. Fever free means not needing to have any medication to treat an elevated temp. If a child has a temperature slightly above normal along with other symptoms of illness, such as sore throat, stomach ache, or others they should be kept home.
If your child/children vomits 2 or more times in a day or overnight keep them home. They need to remain home until they are 24 hours symptom free (No vomiting). If your child’s symptoms continue for more than 2 days and they develop a fever, contact their physician. Be mindful of signs of dehydration such as dry lips, decrease in urination or dark urine, and lack of tears when crying. Give small amounts of fluid frequently and increase the amount as it is tolerated.
A child is considered to have diarrhea if they have 3 or more loose or watery stools in a day. They need to be kept home to prevent the spread of illness through shared public bathrooms and also due to improper handwashing. As mentioned above, children need to stay home until they are 24 hours free of symptoms. If symptoms last longer than 2 days, worsen, or they develop a fever contact physician.
Sore Throat:|
When a child complains of a sore throat and also has swollen glands, stomach ache, headache, or fever keep them home and contact their physician to have a strep swab done. If your child is diagnosed with strep throat, they need to be on antibiotics for 3 full days before returning to school.
Stomach ache:
If an upset stomach is the only symptom and your child/children are behaving normally send them to school. If the stomach ache is accompanied with diarrhea, fever, or abdominal pain keep them home and contact the physician.
Although colds seem harmless, they are easily spread. Children should be kept home if they have a frequent harsh or moist cough.
In order to prevent the spread of germs, in addition to keeping your child home, the CDC encourages parents to wash and disinfect surfaces and items you and your child touch regularly, including hats, gloves/mittens, scarves, and jackets. Any student that was kept home due to any illness needs to remain home until they are without symptoms for at least one full day or they are not in need of any medication to alleviate symptoms. When your child is prescribed antibiotics, it needs to be given for 48 hours before they return to school.
Education is extremely important, however when you’re ill it effects your ability to learn and participate in class. Following the steps mentioned will help decrease the spread of illnesses and increase the number of children ready and able to learn.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at 716-945-2400 ext. 6203 or e-mail me at
Stay Healthy,
Julianne M. Creed RN
SCCSD Nurse Manager
Seneca Intermediate School Nurse
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