


Data Privacy & Cyber Security

Tech Policies & Forms

Technology Policies, Regulations & Forms

Smart Schools Bond Act

Smart School Bond Act


Tech Tips

Help Desk

Help Desk Support

Parent Bill of Rights

Parent Bill of Rights

Parent Fact Sheet

Parent Fact Sheet

EdLaw 2D

Education Law § 2-D



Data Privacy & Cyber-Security

NYS Education Law 2D (Part 121) requires school districts to take certain steps and employ certain methods to protect our student's and staff data, as well as computing environment. For a comprehensive list of requirements and expectations, please visit: NYSED Data Privacy and Security  For the full Salamanca City Central School District Policy on Data Privacy and Security, please click to view SCCSD policy 5676.

Parents, eligible students (students who are at least 18 years of age or attending a postsecondary institution at any age), principals, teachers, and employees of an educational agency may file a complaint about a possible breach or improper disclosure of student data and/or protected teacher or principal data.  If you believe an unauthorized disclosure has occurred, please fill out the online Report Of Improper Disclosure form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Marcy Brown - Data Protection Officer at or 716-945-2400 Ext. 6656

Upon request, websites and/or software vendors data privacy contracts in which the Salamanca CCSD currently uses, can be obtained through the data protection officer.  Your child may or may not be using the programs below, or the programs listed may just contain or have access to student PII.  Please contact your child's specific teacher for information about which programs/websites are being incorporated into your child's classroom.  We are working to update all software and websites used at the Salamanca CCSD and will continue to update this page.