Salamanca City Central School District Pupil Personnel Services

50 Iroquois Drive, Salamanca, New York 14779
Enter through the Administration Entrance
Telephone: (716) 945-5142 Fax: (716) 945-2148

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm**

**In order to provide you with a confidential setting to answer your questions, please call the number above and

press OPTION 1  to schedule an appointment

Chief of Student Supports and Information:
for questions regarding Central Registration, Grants and McKinney Vento Supports
Mrs. Kristin Dudek,

Office Support for Central Registration:
for all questions about registration that cannot be found on our website:
Mrs. Erin Raun,

 Director of Special Education:
for all CSE/CPSE related questions (email is best mode of communication)
Mr. Jerry J. Parisi,

 Assistant Director of Special Education:
for all CSE/CPSE related questions (email is best mode of communication)
Mrs. Alyssa Simon,

Office Support for CPSE/CSE:
for questions regarding CPSE/CSE services and referrals
Mrs. Debbie Woodworth,