Be positive

Dear Warrior Nation,

As we approach the 10 week point of the 2020-21 school year, it is normally a point of reflection. This is still true, even in the midst of the current health crisis, election and changing of the seasons. Seven months ago, we couldn’t imagine what we would endure. Five months ago as a new reality settled around us, we thought, “this too will pass”.  Three months ago we wondered what September would look like and now as we turn to Autumn and Day Light Savings new questions arise.

How long can this continue? What will happen to winter sports? Will our seniors be prepared for college, work or careers?  These are all fair questions. I would suggest we flip the narrative and begin to ask these questions: “How can I help someone in need? What do I need? Am I prepared to accept help from others?"

It is debilitating to only focus on COVID-19. So let’s focus on the positives.

1. We were able to have fall sports. This has allowed a number of our student athletes to return to a sense of normalcy.

2. We have continued to maintain opportunities for our Elementary students to participate in person, hybrid and remotely with their teachers, including really cool STEAM projects.

3. We have maintained staff and programs and even added staff to respond to changing needs

4. Graduations rates have risen again.

5. Enrollment is up.

6. We have demonstrated incredible resolve and an ability to pivot to a 100% virtual platform when necessary.

7. We are building and growing as a District.

8. We have used social media to keep our Warrior Nation informed.

9. We have convened a committee of stakeholders to further the conversation about our re-opening and instructional plan and this will help lead us forward into 2021.   

10. We continue to provide outstanding digital and instructional professional development.

I’m sure there are more points of pride. I would encourage everyone to share good news with us often and frequently. Sharing success will help mitigate the long days when we are not able to be together in person.   

Stay strong, be safe and look out for others.


Bob Breidenstein