Registration is open for Salamanca’s Girls on the Run fall season. The program is open to female district students in grades 6-8.
“It is a great opportunity for our students to participate in this and have it fully paid for by sponsors,” said high school teacher Mindy John, who helps lead the program with fellow teacher Amanda Babyak.
Families should help register their students online through this website. Before registering, those interested should email or to obtain a registration code.
Registration is limited to the first 10 girls to sign up.
The first practice is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23. Trainings and lessons are scheduled for each Wednesday and Friday, 3:30-4:15 p.m., virtually on zoom.
The running portion of the program will be independent after the Zoom lessons. Each girl should plan to run with supervision for safety.
Those who sign up will be sent a practice schedule.