Warrior Reopening Calling Questions

District staff will start to contact families during the week of August 10th to determine your families needs for the 2020-2021 school year.  Listed below are the questions that will be asked. 

· We will confirm the following information: (this data is important to verify to ensure robo calls, texts and emails are being delivered to keep the lines of communication open)

·  Home address
·  Phone number
·  Email address

SCCSD will offer several different opportunities for your student’s learning for the 2020-2021 school year

Prospect Elementary / Seneca Intermediate: If your student in in Prospect or Seneca, you will have the option of having them participate in eLearning everyday or a hybrid model where they would have in-person (at school) instruction at least 2 days a week and eLearning for the remaining days.  

¨ As a parent, what would you like for your student?

eLearning—learning from a remote location with all items available via internet

Hybrid—learning in school for a portion of the week and eLearning (remote) for the rest of the week

Unsure— if you as a parent are unsure at this time, please let us know.

High School:
To begin the school year, we will start with eLearning.  If you as a parent would like your student to complete their instruction in the school setting, please let us know.

Internet / Bussing / Food Service:
Every student will receive a school issued device:
¨ Do you have reliable internet access?
¨ The days that your child is eLearning—lunches will be available to them.   
¨ Would you like to have lunch for student?
¨ What location would be most feasible for you to pickup lunches?

 ¨ If you elect your student to attend in-person/hybrid support, will you need bus transportation or will you provide alternate means of  transportation?

¨ What is your preferred method of communication?
¨ What other supports from SCCSD do you need to help your student(s) ?
