January 2025 Regents & Midterm Examinations Schedule

Only students scheduled for an exam should be in attendance on these days. Transportation to school and home is provided for students taking exams.
Please talk to your child about their study plan for success and go over this schedule of exams to ensure that your child is present when expected. Feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have. Working together, we can ensure the best possible outcome for your child’s efforts.
Important Information:
Morning Exams: 8:00 – 11:00 (Buses leave High School at 10:40 - take home & pick up for afternoon exams)
*Note: On Friday, 1/24 buses will leave school at 11:25 AM – Half day for ALL students
Afternoon Exams: 12:00 – 3:00 (Buses leave at regular time – 2:35) Late bus runs leave at 3:30 & 4:00
*BOCES buses will run at regular times. If a student does not have a Regents or Midterm, they are expected to attend BOCES.
*Breakfast will be available until 7:50 * Lunch will be available for high school students
(R) = Regents Exam
Need help passing a Regents Exam? Look no further - NYS Regents Review Online is a great video tool that will help you ace any exam. For each Regents exam there is a one-hour long exam review video. Some of the videos are also broken into shorter clips for those looking for help with a particular topic. The teachers involved in creating these videos formulated lists of recommended online resources for further study – check them out!The video programs are also broadcast by all New York State public television stations – check local listings for dates and times – and available through Time Warner’s Video on Demand service. Speaking of dates, look for the Examination Schedule tab to find out when this year’s tests will be given.
Subject Areas available are:
Commor Core ELA
Common Core Algebra I
Common Core Geometry
Common Core Algebra II
Earth Science
Living Environment (Biology)
U.S. History and Goverment
Global History and Geography
Regents Review Websites:
Regents Review 2.0
The New York State Regents exams are just around the corner, and you can help your students prepare for the exams with Regents Review 2.0, a free service presented by New York’s public broadcasters.
Regents Review 2.0, New York students’ favorite Regents test-preparation program, includes hour-long test preparation programs, being broadcast by New York’s public broadcast stations. Check with your local PBS station for dates and times.
The videos are also available for anytime viewing at regentsreviewny.net, which also features recommended online study resources. Featured this year is a video program and resources for the new Global History and Geography II, and materials for 10 other exams including the Transition Global History and Geography test.
Regents Review 2.0 is produced by WCNY with the New York State Teacher Center Network (NYSTC) providing content development and expert teacher presenters.
Common Core On-Line Study
MathBitsNotebook - Common Core On-Line Study Resources for High School Mathematics
Castle Learning
New York High School Regents - Past Exams and Solved Papers
Sound Cloud - Multiple Course Subjects Available
Global History and Geography
Brief Review in United States History and Government
The Cold War Explained: US History Review (1/4)
US History Study Guides
Great Online Quiz Game to Review for Regents
Spanish Review with Online Listening Portion
Quizlet - English Regents
English Regents Exams
Khan Academy - Math Section
Mr. Krause Math - Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra 2
Review by topics and past Regents exam explanations of all Common core regents
Quizlet - Geometry Regents Review
Quizlet - Algebra Regents Review
Algebra 2 Review
Math NYS Regents Exams
Khan Academy - Chemistry
Khan Academy - Physics
Khan Academy - Living Environment (Biology)
Khan Academy - US History & Gov't
The 3 Hour HipHughes US History Review
As Recommended from Mr. Nannen!
Science NYS Regents Exams
Physical Setting/Chemistry
Physical Setting/Earth Science
Living Environment
Physical Setting/Physics
US History & Gov't NYS Regents Exams
Previous US History Exams to use as a study guide
Global Studies - NYS Regents Exams
Previous Exams
PBS Regents Review 2.0
Interactive Quizzes - Times and Scored Exams