Nya:wëh Sgë:nö’ Gagwe:göh,
November is Native American Heritage Month when many honor, celebrate and spread awareness. At SCCSD, we celebrate, educate and honor Indigenous Peoples always. Within our district we have a variety of Indigenous nations represented from the Seneca Nation, other Hodinsyonih nations of New York State and Canada all the way to the Kenaitze and Athabaskan nations of Alaska. Being on Seneca Nation land, the Seneca Nation, City of Salamanca and the Salamanca School District work together to serve our community and honor the rich culture of not only the Seneca people, but all Indigenous peoples.
We have an Indigenous Education Committee that meets monthly and is comprised of SCCSD staff, SCCSD BOE members, SNI officials and the SNI Education Department. This is an open meeting, and anyone can attend.
At SCCSD we have many services available from Seneca Language & Culture teaching staff, Indigenous Studies, Seneca History, as well as social emotional support staff and family school liaisons that are specific to native students. We partner with the Seneca Nation Education Department which also offers Seneca Language & Culture teachers, Social Workers, School Counselor, Academic Tutors and Higher Education Coordinator. Most recently, we have the Native American Curriculum Team who has been working diligently to provide many services to our staff and students. The team consists of Jerry Musial, Andrea Cooke and Gabriele Papa. Their website is https://www.salamancany.org/o/nasc/page/native-american-curriculum-resource-hub. , which they have designed to offer valuable information on what they do along with resources for all. We also receive the Title VI grant and work with the Indigenous Parent Committee on how we use this funding.
The student group, Seneca Youth Council, takes the opportunity to share important information with all. Throughout the month they display “Did you know?” posters with information around the school and online and then the high school homerooms have a competition answering the questions. They also host a H.I.P week, Honoring Indigenous Peoples, where they have themed days to also educate all on Indigenous peoples and bring awareness to important topics. This year, H.I.P week will be November 14 – 18.
Monday 11/14 – “WARRIOR” Pride day! Wear any WARRIOR gear to celebrate being a Salamanca WARRIOR and embrace the rich culture of our community.
Tuesday 11/15 – Hodinosyo:nih Day, wear purple and white to honor the Six Nations of the Hodinosyo:nih Confederacy.
Wednesday 11/16 – Wear orange to remember “Every Child Matters”, and honor Indian Boarding School students who survived and those who never made it home.
Thursday 11/17 – “REZ” wear day! Wear any traditional regalia, wear your hair in braids, clothing with native print, jerseys, t-shirts, jewelry, beadwork, etc.
Friday 11/18 – Wear red to stand in solidarity and increase awareness of MMIW – Missing, Murdered Indigenous Women.
Please join SCCSD in Honoring Indigenous Peoples!