Monday April 22nd, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.
via In-person and online virtual Zoom - 

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It’s that time of year! On Monday April 22nd, the Salamanca City CSD (SCCSD) will have a Public Forum/Open Hearing to review the 2024-2025 Title VI Indigenous Education Formula Grant Application (formerly Title VII). This grant provides funding to the district for Native American students and services based on the numbers of Native American students with completed Federal ED 506 Forms enrolled in SCCSD. Title VI is a federal grant program that is a hybrid of both culture and academics that fund many cultural services and programs for Local Education Agency's (LEAs) with Native American students. I am the Title VI Project Director and I oversee the Indigenous Parent Committee (IPC) as well the Title VI budget coordination, culturally related field trips, performances, contracts and Artists brought within the district. I work closely with the Seneca Nation and their education department, the district's Indigenous Education Committee, SCCSD administrators and teachers along with support staff to ensure that we are supporting our students effectively through culturally related academics and activities. Title VI funds are to supplement school programs and services and to provide cultural enrichment programs/opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable.

More information on our program can be found on the school website at www.salamancany.org. You can scroll down until you see "Native American Services". You will find ‘Title VI’ on the heading bar or info rectangles. Check out the Title VI pages available, "Happenings", Hearing, and Tit VI. Join the team or learn more about Title VI at SCCSD at our In-person meetings in the High School LGI on the Second Wednesday of every month throughout the year @6pm! You can always call or email me with any questions. My email is amiller@salamancany.org and my phone number is 716-945-2400 x4947.


Aaron Miller – Title VI Project Director