Nya:wëh Sgë:nö SCCSD 
The SHS Indigenous Youth Council will be sponsoring our annual "WEAR ORANGE" Day honoring the "Every Child Matters" movement on Friday, September 27th.
Below is the link to the online store to order an orange Every Child Matters t-shirt.
The store closes on September 15th.
Please take the time to check out the Orange Shirt Society website: https://orangeshirtday.org/
Every Child Matters is close to home for many of our students and families as many of our grandparents and great grandparents were forced to attend Indian Boarding Schools. Thomas Indian School is located on the Seneca Nation Cattaraugus territory. Children from both Seneca Nation territories and many other indigenous communities were taken from their homes and sent to reside at Thomas Indian School. In boarding school's Indigenous students were stripped of their language, culture, and traditions. While these institutions are no longer operating, we honor this day for the lives that were stolen and to raise awareness for the ongoing effects our students and families experience today.