July 9, 2020 - Reopening of Instruction:
Dear Warrior Nation,
I am sure we are all eagerly awaiting the anticipated guidance from Governor Andrew Cuomo, the New York State Education Department and the NYSDOH - New York State Health Department on the re-opening of schools on Monday.
Our leadership team and staff have been active on local and statewide conversations about re-opening.
We share your concerns to make certain we are all safe, that instruction continues and we get back into a routine as soon as humanly and as safely as possible.
I’d like to share some of the activities we have been discussing and implementing:
1 - we have been monitoring and reviewing the latest medical guidance from the CDC, NYS DOH and the state about social distancing, use of PPE and health precautions with an emphasis on the impact on children
2 - we are continuing our robust cleaning and facility preparations.
3 - we are reviewing possible transportation scenarios to maintain social distancing on buses.
4 - we continue to work with staff on curriculum, technology and training.
5 - we continue to listen to concerns from parents, staff, students and our community.
6 - we are reviewing additional safety procedures including large scale screening technology to get students and staff into our buildings more efficiently and faster to minimize contact.
7 - our technology staff is busy updating our mobile devices and working on additional tech solutions for connectivity.
Finally, the guidance will only be part of the solution. We will need further input from our community and a “hotline” will be set up so you can share your thoughts with us. This is an ALL HANDS-ON DECK moment and I am confident the Warrior Nation will meet this challenge.
Once the guidance document(s) hits the public airwaves, we will share this information and continue this important work.
Stay safe,
Super Bob