Serving Grades 4 through 7
50 Iroquois Drive, Salamanca, New York 14779
Telephone: (716) 945-5140 Fax: (716) 945-3567 or
Principal: Mrs. Erin Barie
Assistant Principal: TBD -

"Seneca School. Where every second counts and every student matters."
Dismissal Procedures
Seneca Intermediate students will be dismissed at 2:25 p.m.. We ask that any changes in dismissal routines for students be made to our office staff before 1:00 p.m. each day. This will then give us enough time to notify necessary staff members and the transportation department so that your child can be safely dismissed. This is a firm time deadline so please make every effort to contact our main office with any changes in your child’s dismissal prior to 1:00 p.m.
Important Info:
The 2023-2024 school year is quickly approaching, it is our pleasure to welcome everyone back for another great year at Seneca Intermediate. We hope everyone is having a fantastic, relaxing summer with family and friends. The first days of school are such an exciting time, and we cannot wait to have everyone back in the building. This letter includes important information for families as we enter the new school year.
Welcome Back Picnic
I would like to personally invite everyone to our Welcome Back Picnic on August 30th from 5:00-6:30. Please come to enjoy great food, fun activities, and meet the Seneca Staff.
4th Grade Orientation
Rising 4th graders are invited to a mini orientation on August 30th at 4:30. This is a great opportunity to meet your teachers and principals, visit your classroom, tour the building, and try out your locker combinations. Please stay to enjoy our family picnic at 5:00.
First Day of School
The first day of school is Tuesday September 5th. School hours will be 7:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Doors open to students at 7:30 a.m. Students will be marked tardy after 7:45 a.m. and will need to report to the Seneca main office to sign in.
Breakfast will be served starting at 7:35 a.m.
Students will be dismissed at 2:30 p.m. We are asking that all car riders are dismissed from the Seneca Main entrance.
Transportation Changes
All transportation changes must be submitted to the Seneca office by 10:00 AM.
Safety is our #1 priority- it is important changes are made on time and with a signed note from a parent/guardian. This includes bussing and parent pickup.
School Supplies
Due to the generosity of our Board of Education you do not need to purchase school supplies for your child. We also have a limited supply of backpacks. If you need one, contact the office at 716-945-5140 ext. 5464.
Attendance is an essential component to a student’s academic success. Please make sure your child attends school daily on time. As a parent or guardian, you can prepare your child for a lifetime of success by making regular school attendance a priority. If your child is absent from school, please call the front office at 716-945- 5140 ext. 5264. When your child returns to school, please send in an excuse.
Open House
We are tentatively planning for Open House on October 19th from 5:00-6:30. This will be a great opportunity to learn more about grade level curriculum, see student work posted, and sign up for parent/teacher conferences. More information will come at a later date.
Enclosed you will find Important Information:
A letter with from child’s teacher and room number
Demographic Form- please check for accuracy, sign, and return- you can mail it, turn it in during the family picnic, or return it ASAP to Seneca Main Office.
**Please be sure to fill out the Drop Off Address info at the bottom of the demographic form.
At Seneca Intermediate, it is our goal to engage and empower every child, and to have them feel a part of the Seneca Intermediate family. Furthermore, as the new school year approaches, we are excited to work hand in hand with all parents to ensure the very best for our students. Thank you for joining in this partnership for the success of our students and our school. We cannot wait to embark on the 2023-2024 school year together.” If you have any questions, please contact the school at 716-945-5140.