New Student Registration at Prospect Elementary
Parents/Guardians of all new students are asked to complete a registration form and family history form upon enrollment. Birth certificates, physicals, and shot records are required. If your child is transferring from another school, please have the address and phone number of the previous school so that we may contact it for records.
Student Records
If you have any changes in your child’s registration information, please contact the office immediately. We need to have current phone numbers (including cell phone numbers), emergency numbers, addresses, pick-up and drop-off bus information. If someone other than the parent is going to pick the student up, please let the office know. The office will ask the person for proper identification prior to releasing the student.
If you have custody papers or any other document from court, please be sure that we have a copy of the most current orders.
Visiting Our School
Parents are always welcome to visit our school. It is important that we are able to provide a safe place with an environment that is conducive to learning. In order to do this, we have some practices that we need to enforce. When visiting, please come to the office to state your purpose, sign in, and receive a Visitor’s Pass. We ask that all classroom visitations or teacher conferences be arranged ahead of time (for the above stated reasons). Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Dropping Off and Picking Up Students
The school day for Prospect Students is 8:50 a.m.-3:20 p.m. Buses drop students off between 8:25-8:30 a.m. If you choose to bring your child to school, please follow the direction of the Safety Monitors. Enter via Prospect Avenue only. Turn right into the drop off loop, continue to where a second monitor will assist your child in exiting the vehicle. Please do not pull up in front of the school during the bus arrival time. This is the bus lane. By going through the drop off loop and parking lot, you will be able to exit the area ahead of the buses and leave via Sullivan Street. Your child should be here by 8:35.
Please note: in order to provide for the safety of students and staff, we ask that if you bring your child into the school, please say good-bye to them in the main foyer. Parents may accompany Kindergarten, First and Second Grade students to their classrooms for the first week only. The teacher and assistant will meet Pre-K students in the foyer for the first two weeks. After that, the assistant will meet them. Be sure to sign in and out with the person staffing the main foyer. After the second full week, the staff will assist any student who is in need of direction to their room or breakfast. Our experience is that the children adjust just fine to this.
If you will be picking your child up daily, please sign them out. Your child will come to the front foyer at 3:15 p.m. If your child has an appointment, please send a note to the office in the morning so that we can alert the teacher and bus driver. We need to know who will not be riding the bus each day. The secretary will call your child to the main office while you sign them out at the desk. The office provides lists to the drivers of who will be riding the bus each day. We need your help to get your child where he/she needs to be at the end of the day, so let us know in writing. If you need to call, please do so by 1:00 so that your child gets the correct information regarding any changes.
Student Code of Conduct
Some of the most important lessons we teach at Prospect Elementary School deal with how to be good school citizens. We believe that helping students to understand the importance of being respectful, responsible and safe, will help these youngsters develop a positive sense of personal and social responsibility. As part of our school program with student conduct we believe that:
1. Children are in school to learn and to allow others to learn.
2. Children are expected to be respectful, courteous, and helpful to other people.
3. Children will respect school property and the property of others.
4. Children are responsible for their own behavior.
Leadership Recognition
We believe students should be recognized for their academic achievements, leadership, and their responsible citizenship. Student success and leadership is celebrated in our school in both the classroom and within the entire school programs. Students have the opportunity to take on leadership roles from being morning greeters to computer helpers. leader In Me is intended to reinforce positive school citizenship so that students learn to make better choices both in school and at home as they become leaders of the school and the community.
Shared Decision-Making and Title 1 Funding
Shared decision-making (SDM) enables all members of the Salamanca community to become stakeholders in the process of encouraging meaningful learning and positive educational change. The district officials define shared decision-making as a process in which all members collaborate in identifying problems, define goals, formulating policy and implementing programs by consensus. This includes the use of Title 1 funding. Continuously SDM has empowered the Salamanca School to create and recreate a stimulating community environment for learning.
Each of our buildings participate in joint planning for the District. This is an opportunity to bring parents, administration, community, and staff together to discuss building level issues, collaboratively work to improve student achievement, and plan for the use of Title 1 funding.